The ISR lesson experience
is a comprehensive five to six week program (average) where each lesson is customized for the child as they are safely guided through the learning process. ISR students attend classes daily, Monday-Friday for a 10 minute period. Daily participation (while learning) involves a much higher retention involved with sensory-motor learning. Studies show that children learn faster and retain skills best when taught in short increments frequently. Hence, the 5 days in a row, 10 minute lessons. Like any other physical activity, learning Self-Rescue skills in the water for the infant or child involves much practice. This is the reason for the approximate six week initial course. It takes a little while for a baby or young child to learn effective Self-Rescue skills!
6 - 12 months old:
Your child is gently introduced to the water by your instructor. As each child reacts differently, your instructor will work with your child to guide him through the lesson process and to build a level of trust and comfort in the water. Once this is established, your child will begin to learn how to Self-Rescue. ROLL-BACK-TO-FLOAT Think of how your child learned to roll from stomach to back as a young baby. A child 6-12 months will learn:
During the lesson, your instructor will place your child face down in the water and help him or her learn to roll to the back and float. Your child never remains face down for more than a few seconds, and your instructor is always right beside your child. |
1 year - 6 years old:
You've seen it before, your toddler walks right to the edge of the pool, ready to jump in, whether or not you are there to catch him. His confidence is beyond his skills. ISR training for children between 1 and 6 years of age uses their confidence to help them build competence and the skills to Self-Rescue. Your ISR instructor will work with your child's initial skills to help him or her gain both competence and confidence around the water. ISR has a deep passion for water safety and will not make your child over-confident or fearless, but will educate your child and teach them a healthy respect for the water. SWIM-FLOAT-SWIM Children over 1 year learn the following sequence during ISR's Self-Rescue swimming lessons.